How’s the weather in Seattle?

PASS Summit

I’m fortunate enough to be heading to Seattle this weekend for the PASS Summit courtesy of my employer (thanks again!). Smile It’s my first visit the the US as well, so I’m extra-excited!

The weather here (in Wellington, New Zealand) is pretty average at the moment – I still haven’t completely dried out after this evening’s motorcycle ride home.  So I really hope the weather in Seattle is going to be better next week.

As for the Summit itself, I think I’ve prepared as well as possible;

I’m going to try to wrap up any lose ends at work tomorrow, and will then have a think about what I specifically want to get out of the Summit, and any technical issues I can raise with the many smart people I’m likely to bump into over the course of next week.

After the Summit

Harley Davidson FatboyHow’s the weather in San Francisco? ‘Cos that’s where I’m heading for the week after the conference.  I fly into San Fran next Saturday evening, will spend Sunday poking around the city a little, and then on Monday morning I’m off for 4 days on a rented Harley Fat Boy. Very much looking forward to that!  I’m planning to ride a circular route east of San Francisco, maybe as far as Carson City, and down as far as Fresno on the return leg.

I’ve spoken to someone who did a very similar ride, so have some idea of distances and how far I can expect to ride each day – but I won’t really know until I’m there, in the saddle so to speak.  I’ve even been growing out the beard a bit to complete the leather-clad ensemble.

Winking smile Awesome…

Bad timing

The only bad bit of luck I’ve run into so far is that my return flight in 2 weeks’ time is at the same time as the final of the Rugby World Cup. *

Bryan HabanaThis is a problem. In case you didn’t already know, I’m a South African, and South Africa is home to the Springboks (aka the best rugby team in the world).  I grew up on a diet of rugby, I played rugby at school, I played rugby after school… you get the picture.  In other words, I have high hopes that South Africa will win the World Cup (again).

So please, when I get off the plane in Auckland, could the entire country act as if nothing’s happened until after I watch the recorded game? Thanks.

* For those of you in countries unfortunate enough to not play the game, rugby is kind of like football, except the ball is oval, you carry it instead of dribbling it along the ground, and the players are real men (not drama-queen-cry-baby-pussies). And yes America, you guys do actually have a team playing in the World Cup.

South Africa - 2007 World Cup Winners

DB Dave

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